Forthcoming local arts events in West Greenwich

Andrew Chandler photography at the Library 

Last year Jonathan Chandler, Chairman of the Greenwich Society, and his brother Andrew, who is a professional photographer, spent over four months travelling all the way around the world documenting in photographs and in an on-line blog their experiences.
An exhibition of over 60 of Andrew's finest photographs, together with some extracts and observations by Jonathan is on display at the West Greenwich Library now until Saturday 20th October.
Framed and unframed prints are available to purchase as well as greeting cards of some of the photos.
Admission is FREE

Also at the Library on Tuesday 30 October you can hear Jan Fortune and Adam Craig of Cinnamon read from their latest works of fiction; Jan's A Remedy for all Things and Adam's In Dreams the Minotaur Appears Last. Please come along to support these independent publishers and authors.
West Greenwich Library, 7 for 7.30, Free.

Also, online booking on is open for Graham Fawcett's next lecture/performance on Anna Akhmatova, with the wonderful Susan Aldred as second reading voice. Tuesday, November 13 (6.45 for 7) at The Treehouse, Greenwich Tavern. More details on

Finally, the ATA's own local novelist Neil Bailey has a new book out, a ghost story set locally and published just in time for the dark winter evenings and Halloween. The Woman At Twenty-six is available on Amazon and you can check out this and Neil's other novels by clicking this link.


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