Bogus Charity Callers.....BEWARE

On Sunday 28th October, our Safer Neighbourhood Police were notified of a woman going door to door requesting money for charity. It is believed this woman was not a legitimate charity worker. Was you visited by this person? Did you give any money? Our Safer Neighbourhood Team have requested that NO money should be given to charity callers that knock at your door. If you would like to donate to genuine charities, there are more secure ways to do it - see below.

How to check a charity’s genuine:

  • Ask to see the identification of the fundraiser if you are asked to make a donation in person. 
  • All legitimate charity fundraisers carry official identification when fundraising. Make sure you are satisfied the identification is genuine. 
  • All charities have to be registered with the Charity Commission. 
  • Don’t give out personal information and bank details to make a regular donation by Standing Order unless you are satisfied the person you are talking to is genuine. 
  • You can always phone the charity back on a known phone number published in the phone book or on the charity’s official website. 
If you have lost money to a fraud like this, contact Action Fraud.

Tina Pugh


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