Write your own page in the history of the Triangle - your chance to take part
The Ashburnham Triangle History Group (so far that's mainly Tom Webb and Mick Delap) have made the work of Triangle historians Diana Rimel and Richard Cheffins available on the Triangle web site. Now they want to recruit other interested Triangle residents to develop this core material into a series of Triangle stories - more web friendly, AND with new input from Triangle residents. They have chosen three possible projects. Now they want to meet with budding - or active - Triangle historians - on Thursday, 4th October, at 7.30 in the Ashburnham Arms - to discuss which of these projects to focus on.
The three Triangle projects are:
A. Who has lived in my house (or neighbourhood) since it was built? With specialist help from experienced local historians about sources etc). Including an ATA visit to the local archives this October or November.
A. Who has lived in my house (or neighbourhood) since it was built? With specialist help from experienced local historians about sources etc). Including an ATA visit to the local archives this October or November.
B. Who are the Triangle's most famous and most interesting former inhabitants? And which of them deserves an ATA plaque on the house they lived or worked in? (David Bowie, for instance, who crafted many of his Ziggy Stardust breakthrough elements here in the Triangle. Or Edward Butler, who has a good claim to have built the world's first motor vehicle here in the Triangle, where he lived - in Ashburnham Grove - and worked - on Greenwich High Road. Or all the others.)
C. What Horrible Triangle Histories could we develop from what we know - to petrify, or enchant, a new generation of local historians, whether at home, or at school?
There's also the latest on Mick Delap's ongoing campaign for a Creekside Pathway that will access both today's regenerated Deptford Creek AND its remarkable 19th century industrial history.
Which would YOU choose to contribute to? Come to a History Group get together at the Ashburnham Arms on Thursday October 4th at 7.30 p.m.
The History Group needs new members. So if you can't make it to the Ash, but want to take part or be kept informed, please email Mick Delap - mick@delap.plus.com. If possible please indicate which of the three proposals, A, B or C, you are interested in. And if you already have interesting information about any aspect of Triangle history you would like to share, please mention that too.
Which would YOU choose to contribute to? Come to a History Group get together at the Ashburnham Arms on Thursday October 4th at 7.30 p.m.
The History Group needs new members. So if you can't make it to the Ash, but want to take part or be kept informed, please email Mick Delap - mick@delap.plus.com. If possible please indicate which of the three proposals, A, B or C, you are interested in. And if you already have interesting information about any aspect of Triangle history you would like to share, please mention that too.
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