Battle of the Hotels?

Whether in retaliation to proposals to redevelop the Magistrates Court into a 300 plus room hotel or just to annoy the neighbours even more, the owners of the now DoubleTree Hilton Hotel (Formerly The Mercure and then The Greenwich) on Catherine Grove in the Triangle have submitted yet another Planning Application to further redevelop the hotel to create an additional 42 rooms over an undercroft car park to the rear of the site.
The proposal (yet again another glass box topped extension) will have a hugely detrimental effect on the neighbouring properties on Burgos Grove whose rights of light will be affected by this development due to the proposed location and height resulting in an over massing of the rear of the site. The applicants Daylight and Sunlight Review prepared by CHP Surveyors supports this view by concluding that reductions in daylight experienced by a number of windows within the neighbouring properties would probably not be acceptable. Whilst CHP have offered alternative designs to mitigate this, these suggestions have not made it into the application.
There is no mention in the application of the need to fill the additional hotel rooms with coach parties and in fact they have submitted historic transport statements and servicing management plans so the flagrant onslaught of unwelcome coaches on Catherine Grove will only continue as the hotel attempts to fill a further 42 rooms.
The Planning Application can be found on the Council’s Planning Portal using the following reference 18/2181/O  - Comments for or against can be made on the portal or in writing using the same reference number (18/2181/O)  on Email to or by post to Andrew Thornley, Development Management, Royal Borough of Greenwich, Woolwich Centre, 5th Floor, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18 6HQ.  The consultation period will be open until the 26th September 2018.


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