Traffic proposal for Blackheath Hill junction

TFL are proposing changes to Blackheath Hill’s junction with Blackheath Road, Lewisham Road and Greenwich South Street. TFL's proposals involve a new signalised pedestrian crossing, further safety improvements and changes to loading bay arrangements.
The proposals are:

  • Installing a new staggered pedestrian crossing on Blackheath Hill, at its junction with Greenwich South Street, Lewisham Road and Blackheath Road
  • Raising the carriageway floor to slow turning motor traffic on the left turn slip from Greenwich Street to Blackheath Hill
  • Removing loading bays from Blackheath Road direction Blackheath Hill to improve traffic flow on the A2, and extending the loading bay on Blackheath Road direction Lewisham

The proposals seek to address issues highlighted to TFL by local residents concerned with pedestrian safety at the vicinity. They are also designed to improve traffic flow on the corridor.
 To find out more and let TFL know what you think, visit


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