Gardening - Saturday; Marathon - Sunday

Gardening Saturday 21st April
Gardening in perfect gardening weather
at 75 Ashburnham Grove and then in the Play Street
this Saturday 21st, 10am-12 noon
not Sunday 22nd as previously planned, to avoid clashing with...

The London Marathon this Sunday
Tom in QE Olympic Park
Tom Webb of Ashburnham Grove is running again this year, after a year off from the London Marathon. He's been in other races though. At the Big Half marathon a few weeks ago he just beat his lifetime ambition to do a half marathon in under 80 mins - he came in in 79 mins 51 seconds!!!! Whew!

If you want to track his progress on Sunday, his running number is 24726.
His charity is the Parkinson's UK Charity

Tina in the Royal Parks half marathon
Tina Pugh of Ashburnham Place is running in the London Marathon for the first time. She's also been running in other races. Her running number on Sunday is 50796.

Her charity is Tommy's, which funds research into the causes of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth

Start times
08:55 – Elite Wheelchair Races
09:00 – World Para Athletics Marathon World Cup ambulant races
09:15 – The Elite Women's Race
10:00 – The Elite Men's Race, British Athletics & England Athletics Marathon Championships and Mass Race

For details of race route, road closures, etc:


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