Free eBooks by local author

Ashburnham Triangle writer Neil Bailey has his first two novels available as free Kindle downloads on November 23rd and 24th as part of a global Thanksgiving promotion.
When She Was Bad and Bad For Good have both received rave reviews on Amazon and GoodReads: 'A highly original and promising debut … For a debut novel, this is unusually polished' 'This novel is extraordinary in many ways. It’s crisply written, witty and entertaining with plot twists that keep you guessing throughout. The author has created characters that should endure and endear for years (and sequels) to come. Looking forward to their continuing adventures ... Bravo!'
Both books are set in and around Greenwich and feature a number of familiar locations including The Ashburnham Arms.
The two thrillers come highly recommended by the ATA’s resident avid reader Tina Pugh. You can download both books for free at or the paperback omnibus edition containing both books can be ordered for £10.99 from


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