Christmas Crime Prevention Advice 2017

Our Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team have notified us of a recent burglary in Egerton Drive which took place between 8/11/2017 and 12/11/2017 and remind you that burglary CAN increase this time of year due to darker nights and as households are expected to be stocked up on presents.

They have also published a list of useful tips on Christmas Shopping, Personal Safety, Home Security and Vehicle Crime for your information and to help keep you safe and secure, and to prevent crime.

Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhood Team
Christmas Crime Prevention
Christmas is a busy time of year for everyone, including the criminals. We know, however, that a high percentage of crime is opportunistic, and can be prevented by taking some simple precautions.

“Don’t let the criminals enjoy Christmas at your expense”
Christmas Shopping

1.    Make sure your bank card isn’t a gift for pickpockets. When the shops are crowded they have more chance to steal from you.

2.    Keep your purse or wallet close to your body and never in your back pocket or the top of a handbag.

3.    Try to pay using a debit card rather than carrying lots of cash.

4.    Always keep your pin number secret and be aware who is around when you are withdrawing cash from a machine.

5.    Never leave credit or debit receipts lying around – some of them carry your card details.

6.    Keep cheque books and bank cards separate and never write down your pin number.

7.    Always use a secure and well lit car park and never leave shopping bags on display in your car.

Image result for personal safety images uk
Personal Safety 
Try to plan your evening in advance
1.    Get your cash out of the ATM during daylight hours.

2.    Make arrangements to get home safely – check timetables or programme the number off a reputable taxi firm in to your phone.

3.    Use available public transport or pre book a taxi rather than walking home.

4.    Make sure someone knows where you are going and what time you will be back.

Look after yourself and your belongings

1.    Never leave coats or bags on the back of chairs, where thieves can get them.

2.    Don’t accept drinks from strangers or leave yours unattended.

3.    Keep your wits about you – too much alcohol makes you vulnerable.

4.    Stick with your friends and don’t walk home alone.

5.    Never take short cuts late at night, stick to well lit main routes.

Don’t drink too much

1.    If you are clearly drunk you may attract the attention of an opportunist thief.

2.    Look after friends if they’ve had too much to drink make sure they get home safely.

If you are using your mobile at night

1.    Be aware who is around you.

2.    Set it to vibrate rather than a loud ring tone, so you don’t attract people’s attention.

3.    Don’t walk and text, you are likely to be distracted and you are giving a potential thief a chance to see what type of phone you have.

Home Security
1.    Leaving presents under the tree in full view from outside can attract the attention of thieves – keep them out of sight until Christmas day.

2.    If you store larger items such as bikes in a shed or outer building make sure they are secure.

3.    Once you’ve opened all your gifts, don’t leave the boxes on view outside to advertise your good fortune to criminals.

4.    Leave a light and radio on a timer if you are going away for Christmas or having a night out.

5.    As a fire precaution don’t leave Christmas lights on whilst you are out.

6.    If you go away for Christmas, cancel your milk and newspaper deliveries.

7.    Lock all outside doors and windows, and if you have a burglar alarm make sure it is in full working order and set before you go away.

8.    Neighbours may be able to help you by collecting post, opening and closing curtains and they could occasionally park their car on your drive.

9.    Genuine delivery personnel usually have uniforms and delivery vehicles and should not need to come into your home. Charity collectors will have identification and will not be offended if you ask to see it.
Vehicle Crime

If you are taking your car on a Christmas shopping trip

1.    Use well lit, secure car parks.

2.    Don’t leave anything in your car, remove everything of value before you go shopping – including sat navs and car stereos.

3.    Security mark your sat nav with property coding devices or ultra violet markers and Register your sat nav with . This will help to reunite you with them if they are stolen.

4.    Keep a record of your sat nav equipment serial numbers.

5.    Open the parcel shelf and glove box to show there is nothing of value left in the vehicle.

6.    Don’t return to your car to leave purchases in the boot before continuing with your shopping as thieves may watch car parks.

7.    When at home keep your car keys hidden and away from doors, windows and letterboxes.


Please follow us on twitter @MPSGreenwichwst , @metpoliceuk or @mpsGreenwich.  You will find out about Local Events, Crime prevention, Appeals for Missing People and Good news Stories.

If you would like to be part of a Neighbourhood watch Scheme (NHW) or become a NHW co-ordinator, please contact PCSO 7266RG Lawton on the contacts below.

Greenwich West Safer Neighbours Team

0208 284 5494 / 07843 065 877
Use these numbers in a non emergency situation to inform police of events and incidents which do not need reporting.

Use this number to report non urgent crime

In an emergency always dial 999

 We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
ATA Security Hub. 


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