Seeking a gas barbecue for Saturday

We're upping the standards at the Street Party - vegetarian food on one barbecue, meat on a separate one. Or we were until we discovered the second one we had didn't run on gas. Must we go back to the bad old ways? Or has anyone got a barbecue they'd be happy to lend the street party this Saturday?

We'd take good care of it. This is the Triangle's own party. Hardly anyone else knows about it. We've delivered some news letters in a few surrounding streets, but not many. This is a chance for adults as well as kids to use their own climbing wall. Outsiders won't see you. And adults - the bouncy castle's yours from 12noon to 1pm. You can go up the climbing wall then too, but you can do that anyway any time during the afternoon. And when it comes to the raffle prizes, the adults win hands down.


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