Safer Greenwich Neighbourhood Watch Conference and Identity Theft from Bins

This will be an ideal opportunity for any residents who are interested in Neighbourhood Watch to find out more about what is involved and there will be a short talk on Neighbourhood Watch and how it works in the Ashburnham Triangle.
There will also be an opportunity to meet other new Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators, Safer Neighbourhoods Panels, the Safer Neighbourhoods Police, Trading Standards and Councillor Jackie Smith responsible for Community Safety and the Environment. The event will include a discussion in groups on the way forward for Neighbourhood Watch in the Borough of Greenwich.
- By e-mail to
- By phone 07749 712102
Once your place is confirmed you will be given a unique number and allocated to a table for the group break-out sessions.
The cut off date for registering is Wednesday 14th June.
Identity Theft from Bins
A Greenwich South Street resident has advised us that a gang of youths has been seen rifling through bins, presumably looking for documents with people’s personal details. This has happened a couple of times over the past week.
Please avoid leaving any personal or confidential information in your bins unless it has been shredded as otherwise you are putting yourself at risk of identity theft.
Please avoid leaving any personal or confidential information in your bins unless it has been shredded as otherwise you are putting yourself at risk of identity theft.
If you do see anything suspicious then call the Police on 101 to report it or email our Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team at
David Scales/Tina Pugh
Security Hub
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