Greenwich Pumping Station upcoming works

Bazalgette Tunnel Limited (trading as Tideway) have given us notice of scheduled works, as follows:

Pathway works
From Monday 12 to Wednesday 14 June, we will be working within the pathway between Norman Road and the Ha’Penny Hatch Bridge. This is to heighten part of the fencing adjacent to the Network Rail viaduct with a mesh material and install a gate. The pathway will remain open to users at all times.

Single lane closure - Norman Road
From 28 June to 1 September there will be a single lane closure on part of Norman Road in order to do work on the DLR viaduct which crosses Norman Road and the pumping station.  This is to support the structure throughout construction activities.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone, please call our 24-hour Tideway Helpdesk on 08000 30 80 80.

Follow us on Twitter @tidewaylondon

The Point, 37 North Wharf Road,
Paddington, London W2 1AF


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