Spring Safer Neighbourhoods Update

Welcome to our latest Safer Neighbourhoods news alert and we hope you enjoyed the early May Bank Holiday weekend.

Residential Burglary 
There was some good news from the April Safer Neighbourhoods meeting. From January to April 2017, just one residential burglary was reported to the Police in the Ashburnham Triangle in Greenwich South Street. The latest figures reflect the ongoing downward trend in domestic burglary.  Residents are reminded not to be complacent as we approach summer and you can help to keep your home secure and prevent the risk of burglary by following the Metropolitan Police’s top tips: 
  • Don’t leave your keys or ID documents within easy reach of doors, letterboxes or windows
  • Close and lock all doors and windows. If you have multi-locking door handles, lift the handle, lock it with the key and remove it. LIFT-LOCK-REMOVE. Put the key in a safe place out of sight in case of fire.
  • Lock garages and sheds so garden tools and ladders cannot be used to break into your home.
  • Use timer switches linked to lights and a radio so it appears that someone is at home.
  • Invest in a safe for valuables and sentimental items and security fix it to a solid surface.
  • Install a visible intruder alarm system – burglars don’t want to be seen or heard.
  • Install low level ‘dusk till dawn’ lighting to increase visibility and deter burglars.
  • Keep side and rear boundaries high to restrict access and front boundaries low to remove hiding places.
  • Photograph and mark valuables and sentimental items with your postcode and house number/name. Register items with serial numbers at www.immobilise.com  
Motor Vehicle Crime
The figures for motor vehicle crime are still a cause for concern. There were five thefts of high value motorcycles and mopeds; two in Greenwich High Road, two in Catherine Grove and one in Ashburnham Place during this period however the Town Centre has been particularly badly affected. The ATA Security Hub Representatives will be working on an initiative to address this issue later this year.

Other Issues in the Triangle and Greenwich West
The police continue to monitor nitrous oxide metal canisters used for inhaling laughing gas which users have been dumping in Ashburnham Place and Egerton Drive. Several localised street disturbances were reported at the meeting.
Snatches of mobile phones and handbag theft, known as dipping, is a problem in pubs in Greenwich Town Centre and you and your visitors are reminded to be extra vigilant with personal possessions and valuables when out and about. 

You can read the minutes of the January 2017 SNT panel meeting in full by clicking here.

As ever if you see anything suspicious, call the police on 101 to report it. If you see a crime taking place, call 999.

David Scales / Tina Pugh
Security Hub


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