Planning Update

Mecure’s Glass Box Addition



We reported back in January details of the Mecure Hotel’s latest planning application for another glass box to be constructed over their entrance to mimic the upper floors and creating a further two hotel rooms. The application was refused, but the hotel have lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate. The appellant (the Hotel) has requested the written representation method and the appeal is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of written statements by the parties and a site visit by the planning inspector.


Any comments you may have made in relation to the original planning application will be sent to the planning inspector for their consideration by the Council, if you wish to withdraw these comments you must notify the Inspector in writing by the 16th November 2016. You may have additional comments to make on this matter, which you can also do. If so, you are asked to make them in writing in triplicate to:


Debbie Smith

3M Kite Wing

The Planning Inspectorate

Temple Quay House

2 The Square

Temple Quay




Or alternatively you can submit electronically via  using the PIN Reference: APP/E5330/W/163157853


Any questions on this matter please contact either Simon Barrs ( or Maureen Romeril (


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