Daffodil planting, Sunday 27th November

It’s time for another corner of the Triangle to have daffodils. In the last three years we've planted one area per year. This year it's the corner of Ashburnham Place and Egerton Drive, in the grounds of Lamley House.
We'll be gathering there at 11am on Sunday 27th November to plant the bulbs.

Alison Haworth says, 'If you are free, please come and join us.  
Bring a trowel and gloves if you have them, but we’ll have a few spares if not. Hope you can make it.'

Sara Emanuel says, 'If anyone has a very large plant container (80cm/2ft 6 ins diameter or more) to give to the Ashburnham home for people with learning difficulties, please contact me at saraemanuel@hotmail.co.uk'


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