WARNING - Recent Knife Threat in Triangle
Would all residents please be extra vigilant and aware when walking around the Triangle late at night.
Last Thursday evening, 28th July, at approximately 10.30pm a local resident was threatened with a knife. The victim, who is currently on crutches, was walking home from Deptford DLR station and had just turned into Egerton Drive from Blackheath Road. He had started to cross the road near the junction with Guildford Grove when a man challenged him with a knife demanding his wallet. A passer by saw the incident and chased the would-be mugger off who ran down Guildford Grove. Fortunately, on this occasion, both the victim and his guardian angel were not hurt or had anything taken.
The police were called and although they arrived quickly and searched the area the assailant could not be found. He is described to be in his 20's, approximately 5'11' in height with a slightly stocky build. He was wearing a grey hoody with the hood up and because of this his exact skin colour was hard for our victim to confirm but was of a white/pale coloured skin tone.
The Police believe this was an opportunist crime as the victim was on crutches and was more vulnerable than usual. They would also like to stress that this sort of crime is not usual in this area, but nonetheless, please be alert and careful when travelling around late at night especially if travelling on your own.
Tina Pugh
Security Hub
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