Theft from motor vehicles and Charter House break-in
Theft from vehicles
Our Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhood Team have recently informed us that there has been a recent increase in theft from motor vehicles. Please ensure you always lock and close all windows on your vehicle. A numerous amount of cars within the Triangle have been leaving either the driver or passenger window open making theft from vehicles extremely easy. It is imperative not to leave anything of value on show. Any recharging cables, Sat Navs or even Sat Nav holders should all be removed from the vehicle as this is a hint to a would be thief that there is something of value inside the car. If possible, do not even leave anything inside the glove department. Leave the glove compartment open so it shows any would be thief that there is nothing left in the vehicle.
Charter House
Also, earlier this week, the Charter Buildings situated within Catherine Grove was targeted by two people on a motorcycle who deliberately forced the car park gates open. Until the gates are fixed can you please be extra vigilant and ensure you report any suspicious behaviour.
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