Safer Neighbourhoods Police Street Meet Saturday 30th July, Ashburnham Arms, 2pm - 3pm

Safer Neighbourhoods Police Street Meet, Saturday 30th July 2016  2-3pm at the Ashburnham Retreat (Play Street), just outside the Ashburnham Arms Pub, 25 Ashburnham Grove, SE10 8UH

There will be a summer drop-in for residents to raise any policing related matters or concerns with our dedicated PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) Henry Lawton. Henry is also available to give free valuable home safety, crime prevention and neighbourhood watch advice.

If you have any concerns about:
  • Anti social behaviour
  • Burglary
  • Theft from Motor Vehicles (there has been a recent increase in car crime, see this Security Hub post)
  • Theft of personal items including mobile phones
or if you would like to discuss any other issues just turn up on Saturday 30th July at any time between 2pm and 3pm at the Ashburnham Retreat (Play Street), outside the Ashburnham Arms Pub

This drop-in is also open to anyone who lives at this end of West Greenwich ward as well as residents in the Ashburnham Triangle area.

David Scales – Security Hub


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