Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhood March update

Greenwich West Team Update 
PC Ochello and PC King have now left the team. We have been joined by PC Searle from Woolwich he joins the rest of the team,PS Hill, PC Moody, PC Benke, PC Campbell, PCSO’s Lawton, and Edwards. PCSO Stocker is now on maternity leave. Both PC Savage and PC Wise are on attachments but will be rejoining us by the end of April.
Bike Marking Event 
The team held a successful bike marking event on the 26th January, working alongside Greenwich Council and the Safer Transport Team. We marked just over 50 bikes and due to the success we are hoping to organise another marking event in the very near future.
The team worked with the local authorities to successfully evict squatters in Hyde Vale.

Crime Prevention Advice 
Mobile Phone Thefts We have been getting a number of mobile thefts from people riding mopeds. When on your phone in public please use the following advice;

  • Be aware of your surroundings 
  • Make sure that you can see who is around you 
  • Do not stand too close to the edge of the road 
  • Do not advertise your phone if you are not using it 
  • Try not to keep it in your back pocket 
  • Do not leave your phone unattended 

Want to help your local community? 
Greenwich West SNT are looking for local residents to become members of the neighbourhood watch scheme. The scheme works by: 
  • Bringing people closer together 
  • Building a stronger community spirit 
  • Helping to reduce crime 
  • Lessening people’s anxieties about crime 
  • Strengthening links with the police 
  • Developing closer relationships with local councils 
  • Improving the local environment 
  • Creating a better quality of life 

If you are interested please contact via the details below. If you would like to become a Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator please contact the team on; 
Telephone: 020 8284 5494

Dates to note:
Waitrose Surgery 29th April 1900hrs—2000hrs 3rd June—1900hrs—2000hrs 


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