Latest Safer Neighbourhoods Team News & Security Activity

David Scales/Tina Pugh ATA Security Hub

A Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Police meeting was held on Wednesday 3rd February 2015. We attend these meetings on behalf of the ATA along with other Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators, Councillors, Council Officers and members of the Safer Neighbourhoods Police team.

Fortunately no major issues for the Ashburnham Triangle were identified during this period, however there has been an increase in thefts from motor vehicles from December – January including damage to cars in Devonshire Drive and Egerton Drive on Boxing Day.  Two residential burglaries were reported in Langdale Road and Ashburnham Grove; still this is very much a decrease on the last available figures and a couple of arrests have also been made of known criminals operating in the area.

The police continue to follow up burglaries by cocooning, a process which involves visiting properties near to where the offence has been committed,  giving reassurance and advice on crime prevention as well as gaining evidence, where possible, to locate those responsible.

In view of the recent spike in house burglaries where sash windows have been forced open to gain entry to houses, the Security Hub Representatives are working on a new crime prevention leaflet which will be distributed to residents at some time in the Spring as well as being posted online.

The leaflet will give residents who do not own/use a PC or are not signed up for news alerts, the opportunity to act on security information relevant to the Ashburnham Triangle and some general tips along with details of who to contact in the case of criminal or fraudulent activity.

You can click here to read the minutes from the 25th November 2015 Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhood Ward Panel meeting.


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