Council consults on draft new guide on the Article 4 direction for the Ashburnham Triangle Conservation Area

Maureen Romeril, February 25th

Many properties in the Ashburnham Conservation Area are subject to additional planning control as a result of an Article 4 Direction being placed. These controls are in addition to Conservation Area controls. The current Article 4 Direction was introduced May 2014 and removed permitted development rights so that planning permission is required for certain works which would otherwise not require permission.  The council has now drafted a new guidance note to the Direction, which identifies the properties covered by the Article 4 Direction and sets out the specific planning controls under the Direction. The document also explains the types of works that will be likely or unlikely to gain planning permission.  The Council is seeking comments on this new guide.  The consultation ends on Monday 14 March 2016. Copies of the draft guide can be found on the Council's website via the link below. The Planning Hub will be responding to the guide on behalf of the ATA. The key changes noted by the Planning Hub compared to the previous 1995 Guide are as follows:

1. Solar panels - the Guide states :  "In the case of unlisted buildings in conservation areas, conventional solar panels may be acceptable, but only on roof sloops that are not visible from the public realm."   The old Guide was silent on solar panels. 

2 .Guttering - the new Guide states :  "Where visible from the street, cast iron or aluminium fittings should be used". Previously the old Guide stated that cast iron and aluminium fitting were generally preferred.  

3. Historic shop fronts  and porches - the new Guide now includes some guidance on these special features.


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