Agenda for Thursday’s AGM

By imogene russell on Oct 21, 2015 08:32 pm

Agenda for the ATA annual general meeting, 22nd October 2015, in Greenwich west House
1) Wine and sandwiches at 7.45pm
2) Welcome from the chair at 8 pm (Robin Stott – 2 minutes) (Timings given throughout are what we aim for, so that there is time available where needed for discussion at unexpected points)
4) Hub updates (average 5 minutes each including discussion, ie 40 minutes)
Security hub (David Scales)
Fun hub (Neil Sinclair)
Green hub (Janet Stott)
Newsletter and ATA booklet (various)
Planning Hub, including suggestion the Triangle become a designated
Neighbourhood Area (Simon Barrs)
ATA discount card (Rob Willett)
Website and Facebook (Tom Webb – he’ll arrive at about 9pm, so this may have to be later)
Local history project (Tom Webb)
5) Financial report (Imogene Russell – 5 minutes, including discussion)
6) Invitation to all for ideas for use of residual funds, including good causes (allocation of finances to be made as usual by a committee of all officers and hub heads at their next meeting) (10 minutes)
7) Presentation of last year’s minutes and matters arising (Imogene Russell – 5 minutes)
8) Election of officers: chair, secretary, treasurer (presently Chris Ward, Imogene Russell, vacant); and election of planning team, and security representative (5 minutes)
(These timings bring us to just after 9pm! The Neighbourhood Area question and the suggestion for a Local History Hub are among topics which may take longer than scheduled)


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