Security Street Meet, Saturday December 12th

Are you concerned about the recent spate of burglaries?  Come and receive some free valuable home safety and crime prevention advice.
  • What other concerns do you have within the Triangle?
  • Are you fed up with motorist ignoring the one way signage in Devonshire Drive?
  • Have you noticed the recent fly-tipping in the area?

Air your concerns to our local PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) at tomorrow’s Safer Neighbourhood December Street Meet.
When? Saturday 12th December
Where? Ashburnham Retreat (Play Street), outside the Ashburnham Arms Pub, or inside the pub if the weather is bad.  (Good excuse for a quick tipple)
Time? Drop in anytime between 2pm and 3pm
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Tina Pugh
ATA Security Hub

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