Security Alert – Guildford Grove & Safer Neighbourhoods November Street Meet
David Scales Nov 03, 2015
Guildford Grove
Our Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team have informed us of a recent burglary in Guildford Grove. This happened overnight between 29th and 30th October. The suspect gained entry through the lower ground floor sash window, a wallet and credit card were stolen. Please ensure you are taking all reasonable steps to lock and secure lower ground floor windowsparticularly older sash windows which have been forced open in recent burglaries notified to us.
Suspicious Activity in the Triangle
Separately to the above, the Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team have notified us they have been getting a few calls from residents of individuals going around looking at premises and possibly marking premises in the Triangle. If you see or suspect any suspicious behaviour of this nature, please report it to the Police by dialling 999, 101 or the Safer Neighbourhoods Team on 020 8284 5494 depending on the severity of the incident.
Safer Neighbourhoods November Street Meet
Saturday 21st November 2015, 2pm – 3pm, Ashburnham Retreat (Play Street) outside the Ashburnham Arms Pub, SE10 8UH
In view of the recent spate of burglaries, we have been notified of five incidents in the last six weeks, we are holding another Street drop-in for residents to raise any policing related matters or concerns with our dedicated PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) Henry Lawton.
Henry will also be available to give home safety and crime prevention advice and arrange for an Officer to visit your home to review security if required. You can drop-in at any time between 2pm and 3pm on Saturday 21st November outside the Ashburnham Arms and do not have to give any personal details unless you have a specific query which you need Henry to follow up. The drop-in may be held inside the pub if the weather is particularly bad.
We hope to see many of you there and will also send out another reminder nearer to the date. This event is open to anyone who lives in or near to the Ashburnham Triangle.
David Scales/Tina Pugh
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