Street party credits

By imogene russell on Oct 02, 2015 09:59 am

STREET PARTY 2015 – CREDITS – Big thanks to everyone!
Infrastructure  Neil Sinclair, Tom Webb, Robin Stott, Graeme Elkington, Julian Burgin, Chris Ward
Food stall

Lysanne Wilson, Annabel Cowell, Blanche Cameron, David Walker, Stuart Mulholland, Richard Tyson, Steve Cowell, Cllr Aidan Smith, Cllr Mehboob Khan, Vicky, Neil Bailey, Tom Webb, Emel Guçel, Graeme Elkington, Jo Hall, Roz Weeks, David Williams, Adam Deal, Tom Webb, Matthew Pennycook MP, Andy, Jane Saunders, Tina Pugh
Eyja’s cake stallEyja and Anastasia Haydulina
RaffleBarbara Reid,  Janet Stott, Maureen Romeril, Mary Carter
Face paintingFrances Currie, Lee Bamsey, Naomi Davis, Xim, Amy Dewit, Emma Cole, Carlotta, Mar, Hannah
Spin paintingCaroline Elkington, Ceri and Edmond Rose, Liz McClean, Lee Bamsey, Miew-Cheng Stangroome, Sonia Jarman
Bouncy castle    Josh Stott, Robin Stott, Marion Sands, Zoe Willett
Plant stall    Peter Hulme, Caroline Siggins, Alison Haworth
Honey and bee visitsRobin Stott
PotteryJonathan and Elizabeth Gravil, Joyce and Kathleen, of the Devonshire Drive Baptist Church
Biscuit decorating Alice, Irene Nash, Gideon Nash, and Declan of the South Street Baptist Church
Gate              Rob Willett, Derek Fordham, Chris Ward, James Kellock,  Alastair Currie, Neil Sinclair, Imogene Russell
Music James Andrew, Ruth Currie and the Jazz Ashes, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Jo Honey and Emma
Burgers & sausagesW H Wellbeloved, Butchers
Food stall supplyThe Ashburnham Arms
Climbing wallAltitude Events Ltd
Sponsorship of the climbing wallHamptons International
AnimalsSupreme Animal Foods
Bouncy castleLily’s Bouncy Castle Hire
Furniture and equipmentJames Wolfe School, South Street Baptist Church, St Alfege’s Church, Devonshire Drive Baptist Church, St Mark’s Church, Rachel Hale
Party productionNeil Sinclair, Imogene Russell, Tom Webb, Barbara Reid, Frances Currie
If you lost a red V-neck jumper, a blue towel, or if your name is Thea Viale of Camberwell, contact Neil Sinclair on


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