Security Report from the AGM & Remember Crimewatch?
David Scales, Oct 23, 2015
The Security Hub report presented at the AGM on Thursday 22nd October is attached here in full, please click on the link, and if you were unable to make the meeting and have questions or would like to make any comments please feel free to send me an email at
At the meeting, we said goodbye to Carolyn Carter our longstanding Representative who has moved outside of the Ashburnham Triangle area and put such dedication and commitment into the Security Hub and police liaison over the last five years or so.
Carolyn campaigned tirelessly against drivers flouting the No Entry signs in Devonshire Drive and took effective action on other issues such as graffiti removal and making our streets less cluttered and we are very appreciative of all her efforts in moving the Hub forward and feeding back residents’ concerns at the Safer Neighbourhoods meetings. We wish Carolyn well and all the best for the future and hope she will continue to stay in touch.
As mentioned in the last AGM newsflash, Tina Pugh has now been appointed as our new Security Hub representative and we extend a very warm welcome to her. Tina attends the Safer Neighbourhoods meetings as well as serving as a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator and will be contributing to all aspects of Hub activity.
Finally we have been notified by our Safer Neighbourhoods team of an event being hosted by Nick Ross of Crimewatch fame taking place this Sunday 25th October from 7.45 – 8.45pm on board the Cutty Sark. Please note there is a charge for this event – see below:
Nick Ross
Crime, how to solve it and why almost everything we’re told is wrong
Can it really be that almost everything we’re told about crime is wrong? Nick Ross, much loved broadcaster and visiting professor at UCL, explains how to solve crime, and how to learn from medicine – where for millennia almost everything doctors said was wrong. He presented The World Tonight and Newsdesk while still in his twenties and became a household name in the 1980s when launching breakfast TV, Watchdog and Crimewatch. Followed by a Q&A.
If you would like tickets then please either email Margie on or phone 07759 382 103.
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