Security Alert – Ashburnham Place & Peabody Close – Devonshire Drive

By david scales on Oct 08, 2015 07:37 pm

We are sorry to be the bearer of more bad news within two weeks but as the saying goes forewarned is forearmed. We have been advised by our Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team that there have been two recent burglaries in the Triangle: 
Ashburnham Place:  This happened on the 7th October 2015 between the hours of 00:01 – 08:45 hours.  The suspect gained entry through a basement sash window which had been forced open with an unknown object.  Items stolen were – Apple IPAD, Photographic equipment and a handbag.  The items value totalled to approx £4,500.
Peabody Close, Devonshire Drive:  This happened between 28th Sept 14:00 hours and 3rd Oct 2015 20:30 hours. The gate entry system had been broken for a number of weeks and was only fixed on the 1st of October 2015.  The home owner had been away and noticed the property had been burgled on return; a rear door had been left open and the door had been damaged.  Items stolen were a pair of headphones and a bracelet, approx £50 in total.  The damage to the door is estimated to cost approx £200. 
Although we previously contacted Peabody Housing Association (after the September Safer Neighbourhoods Police Street Meet) that undesirable groups were gaining access to the back gardens posing a threat to the security of residents there, we never did get a response so this will now be followed up with a formal complaint.
Please take all possible steps to secure your windows and doors etc with appropriate locks and use them particularly when you are away from your property.
If you would like home safety or crime prevention advice then please telephone 020 8284 5494 or email either PCSO Gemma, or PCSO Henry, of the Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Team who will arrange for an Officer to come and visit your home.


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