Burglary in Ashburnham Grove

Tina Pugh, Oct 28, 2015 

Unfortunately, we have been advised by our Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team that there has  been another burglary within the Triangle, this time in Ashburnham Grove.  This happened between 10pm on the 21st October and 6am on the 22nd October.  Entry into the property was via the ground floor window.
This is now the third burglary within the Triangle in just over a month.  Remember, most burglaries are opportunistic, not planned, so they’re easy to prevent.  Here are a few reminders to keep your home secure:

Lock up

Deadlock doors and close and secure lockable windows if you go out or upstairs. Unlocked UPVC units can be sprung. Keep keys away from doors and windows in a place where they are not visible to anyone looking in, and don’t hide them outside.
Get a strong door with insurance company-approved locks.
Fit an entry viewer and/or a good door chain or door bar. A letterbox cage will prevent lock release or theft via the letterbox. Change locks in new houses so only you have keys. Don’t give keys to anyone you do not know well.


Visible window locks may deter thieves. Secure easily accessible windows. Draw the curtains in the evening.


Lighting with timers, movement or night sensitive switches on external doors, gardens etc. will deter thieves. Neighbours get used to movement sensors being set off by cats etc. so don’t rely on them alone.
Did you know that leaving an upstairs light on is a much better deterrent than a downstairs light? Burglars can quickly work out that no one is in downstairs, but if someone might be upstairs they will probably not risk it. The majority of burglars do not want to be seen or heard and certainly don’t want a confrontation. Specialist light boxes that flicker like a TV can be purchased quite cheaply and make a good deterrent too.


Keep valuables hidden out of sight and not viewable from windows. Keep jewellery and credit cards secure and house deeds and other important legal documents in banks. Burglars look in ‘safe’ spots such as under mattresses and in shoeboxes and tins. Never keep large amounts of cash at home. Never leave packaging from new valuables such as computers and televisions visible with your general rubbish. Secure bikes by locking them to an immovable object inside a locked shed or garage. If possible, use a property marking service.
It’s worth remembering that an expensive car parked on the driveway or outside the house can be a clue that there are valuables inside the house.


Visible alarms can deter burglars.


These can be routes into homes. Secure yours with lockable gates and good quality fences, with 12 inch/300mm trellising and/or thorny plants. Lock away tools and ladders so thieves can’t use them to access your home. Lock outbuildings. Don’t store valuables in sheds unless well secured, e.g. with anchor bolts for large items, and use electronic shed alarms or padlock alarms to deter thieves.
If you would like home safety or crime prevention advice then please telephone 020 8284 5494 or email either PCSO Gemma, Gemma.Black3@met.pnn.police.uk or PCSO Henry, Henry.T.O.Lawton@met.pnn.police.uk of the Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Team who will arrange for an Officer to come and visit your home.


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