Requirements for planning applications

Andrew Steeds,  

Greenwich offering consultation process on document
I have received the letter below from Greenwich Planning, which may be of interest to anyone who’s thinking of applying for planning permission, or affected by someone else’s planning application. There are a number of links embedded in the letter itself.

RE: Royal Borough of Greenwich consultation on draft local information requirements list for planning applications

The Royal Borough gives notice that a draft local information requirements list (a ‘local list’) for planning applications has been published for consultation.  The local list, once formally adopted, will set out the information that Royal Borough of Greenwich will require to be able to register, assess and determine planning applications.  The level of information required varies upon the size and type of the application as well as the specific site constraints and nature of development.
The purpose of setting out information requirements in the local list is to ensure that planning applications are accompanied by sufficiently detailed information to provide greater certainty and consistency for applicants. Consulting on the draft local list follows the Government’s planning practice guidance on validation requirements.
Royal Borough of Greenwich is inviting comments on the draft local list over a period of six weeks from 11 May to 22 June 2015.  Consultation responses will be taken into account by the Royal Borough when preparing the final revised list.  If you require further information please e-mail or phone 020 8921 3673.
The draft local list can be viewed on the Royal Greenwich website at the following link:  Paper copies of the local list will be made available at Royal Greenwich public libraries (opening times below).  Representations can be made via email or by post to:
Post: Planning Policy Team, Directorate of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills, Royal Borough of Greenwich, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18 6HQ
Yours sincerely,

Clare Loops
Planning Policy Manager
Directorate of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills
Royal Borough of Greenwich


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