Security Alert: Motor Vehicle Thefts

By david scales on 14 Apr 2015 12:46 pm

At our most recent Safer Neighbourhoods Ward Panel Meeting, we have been made aware of a spike in thefts from motor vehicles not only in the Ashburnham Triangle but throughout the West Greenwich area.
There have also been reports of serious damage and vandalism to cars in Ashburnham Grove and Greenwich South Street.
In general, Vauxhall Zafiras and Astras are being targeted but we would remind all car owners not to leave Sat Navs, Valuables, Bags and Blue Badges (when they’re not in use) or any items on display or on seats and to always lock all car doors, shut windows and use internal security devices.
The Safer Neighbourhoods Police will be holding some more drop-in surgeries this May:
Friday 15th May, 7pm – 8pm at
Waitrose, New Capital Quay, SE10 9DD;
Wednesday 27th May, 9am – 10.00am at
Holy Trinity Centre, Bennett Grove, SE13 7RF.
We are hoping to arrange a drop-in surgery in the Ashburnham Triangle for the near future.
If you have any concerns about motor vehicle crime or want to speak to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team about anything police related, just turn up to one of these events. It’s a way for the police to listen and speak to the community and find out what affects people’s daily lives.


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