Safer Neighbourhoods Meeting, 9th April 2015

By david scales on 08 Apr 2015 06:54 pm

There will be a meeting of the Greenwich West Ward Safer Neighbourhoods Panel on Thursday evening 9th April 2015 at 6:30pm.
The Ashburnham Triangle is a standing item on the agenda under ward issues. At the last meeting in January a few thefts were reported from motor vehicles in the Triangle WGSNT minutes 29 Jan 2015.
These meetings are not open access but are attended by the Ward Councillors, the Safer Neighbourhoods Police, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators, Royal Borough of Greenwich staff, other agencies and both myself/Carolyn Carter as the Security Hub Representatives on behalf of ATA residents.
If you have become a victim of crime or have experienced any anti- social behaviour, please email either David Scales  or Carolyn Carter as soon as possible so that we can feedback any issues to the Safer Neighbourhoods police at the meeting. Any incidents of crime we are made aware of also strengthens the case for dedicating more police resources to the area. We will not give out any personal details or information unless required to do. 
Alternatively, if you have any concerns or want to speak to the Police about anything directly you can do so in person at one of the Spring drop-in surgeries already listed in the previous Security Hub post.


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