New old-fashioned physical notice board
By imogene russell on 10 Feb 2015 10:24 pm
“Attractive, up-to-date and well-maintained” is what the new community notice board will be, said Tony Othen, as 40 or so people, including artist Peter Kent and ATA founder Ewan Hooper, watched its unveiling outside St Mark’s Church on Sunday. “It’s for the community to use to post up events and opinions that have nothing to do with our church,” said Tony, of The Gallery in Peyton Place, and church member.
St Mark’s is inviting us all to send notices of what’s going on locally to by Friday for posting on Saturday. Tony will post them on the Community Page of the website at also display the page on one of the church’s four ‘‘good old-fashioned physical notice boards” outside.
The premises at St Mark’s were redesigned several decades ago to make it easy for outside groups to use them, and many have done so ever since. This notice board, dedicated to the community, is another way for the church to make contact with its neighbours.
The board was unveiled by Imogene Russell, ATA secretary, and John Twydale, who is interim moderator at St Mark’s while the search is on for a permanent minister to replace Martin Cole who left a year ago. Sometimes individual members of the church give the address in the service, and on Sunday Tony gave one on Communication, Community and Christianity, which people had come to hear from as far afield as Dorset. In it he said, “My take on the Jesus stories is that we are all one community – no insiders and outsiders.”
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