Xmas Carol Party raises record donation for Shelter

By neil sinclair on Dec 29, 2014 02:18 pm

The 2014 ATA Christmas Carol Party raised £420 for the homelessness charity Shelter, easily a record for the association’s annual carol singing and social event.
About 45 people gathered outside the Ashburnham Arms on a blustery but fairly mild Monday (22nd December) evening for roast chestnuts, mulled wine, mince pies and a chance to warm the vocal chords and the cockles.
Ably led by ATA vice-chairman Robin Stott on clarinet, the group (which included all ages from small children to the over 60s) set off on a tour around the Triangle’s streets to sing at pre-arranged stops and collect donations to Shelter.
On their return to the Ash, the group fortified themselves with more mulled wine, mince pies and chestnuts before singing a final carol or two.
Most singers then settled into the newly-redecorated Ash to eat home-made pie and mash provided by new landlord Sam Jolly. The pies, sample versions from the pub’s new specialty range of home-cooked meals, were universally acclaimed as delicious, with special praise heaped on the vegetarian version.
Sam very generously donated all proceeds from the sale of pies to Shelter and also agreed that fees for taking part in the annual Christmas quiz could also go to this very deserving charity. The quiz, devised and presented by ATA resident Barbara Reid, was won by a team including Greenwich West Ward councillor Maureen O’Mara and colleagues from the local Labour Party.
The very convivial evening was rounded off with a jam session and sing-song led by Alexis and Oci Bennett.


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